Thursday, January 29, 2009

Two Woman In Great Need

Yulens and Nur are two woman who share a tragic past--they are both burn victims. I am not talking about a burned finger or even a hand. These women were badly burned--their photos are so shocking I have not included them in this post. They are both as bad or worse than Yulce (read her story on our web-site).

A door has opened for both of them to go to Bethesda Hospital in Borneo for treatment. They will need extensive skin grafts and will have to survive surgery. These women are in very bad physical shape and emotionally near their very end.

Please join me in prayer for the demands of travel just to get to the hospital. Their husbands will be traveling with them to assist them and encourage them each step of the way. They have long rides in cars, airline flights and over 20 hours on boats crossing vast open waters. There are several legs to this journey. They left today and will have four days of travel.

Peter Scarborough has said they are very concerned for them--especially Nur. She is just very frail and in a weak condition. She needs help immediately and cannot wait for another door to open. These women have loving and supportive husbands and are mothers. Their families need them.

We have tried to find doors to open here in America--they just have not opened. This is the only opportunity they have and we have great concerns for them. We pray they will have successful surgeries and the strength to endure the long trip just to get to the help they both desperately need.

I will give updates as I get them.