Monday, January 19, 2009

Soup Success

It was not the food booth on a busy Indonesian street but it was lots of fun and the Soto Makassar was excellent. Jim and Cindy Aldrich did a great job with all the preparation and hours of cooking the soup. They wanted the participants to get a taste of Indonesia. Jim showed slides from the recent trip and detailed the work in east Indonesia.

The tables were set up just like you would have if you sat down at the place we enjoy going to get this wonderful soup. The hard boiled eggs, (very) hot sauce, salt, rice and cut slices of limes were set on the tables in bowls. Then a bottle of water was there for everyone to put out the fire if they used too many scoops of the very hot sauce.

We had a lot of fun and the soup was excellent. We just missed the dogs walking through as you are eating, the sound of car horns and shouting in the streets, the wooden benches and smiling Indonesian faces. I know Cindy took a step of faith and she did a great job--the soup was a success.