Thursday, January 15, 2009

Soto Makassar

Soto Makassar is an outstanding soup that I have come to enjoy very much. I have taken many of my friends to the roadside booth in Tobelo where the best Soto Makassar is served. The soup is a broth with beef cut into small pieces. It is served very hot in a large soup bowl. You have the option of putting a small block of sticky rice, a hard boiled egg, squeeze a lime slice, a spoon of hot pepper sauce, and salt. You can add whatever you want in whatever amounts--it will make you sweat. It has its own wonderful flavor and can be very filling. Imagine the sounds of people and vehicles in the background as you sit and enjoy this amazing Indonesian soup. It is hard to beat.

This Saturday we will partake of the northern version of this soup. We are going to have an Indonesian dinner with the main dish Soto Makassar. Cindy Aldrich has stepped forward to give it a try. I am ready to give her version a chance. It should be a lot of fun and very good to eat.