Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Break-up is a word used here in Alaska to signify the end of winter and the beginning of our summer. Summer is close when the snow and ice begin to melt. The sun is higher in the sky and everyone has a smile. The river ice "breaks-up" and the deep green waters appear again.

It is a time out get out the bikes and jet ski's. Tison got in full swing with his first ride on the bike at the Johnson's. He is just having a great time. His left foot is still in a protective cover but it did not stop or discourage him. I know he will have many more rides on the bike--who could blame him. We have more minutes of daylight each day (until June 21) and we make the best of it.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Finally Home

It was three weeks on the road. I was in Portland, Oregon for a week. Phoenix, Arizona for another week and Boise fort he final week. It seemed like a lot longer but I am now back in Fairbanks. I left with snow on the ground and came back with it clear of snow.

I spoke at a number of meeting and got to connect with some of our partners. We have amazing people who are standing with us.

However good the trip--it is great to be home.