Today I wrote several "Thank You" notes to some of our partners. I like to send a short personal note to those who pray and support our efforts. I have done this for the past 10 years--every time I write a note, I am awed by at the faithfulness and kindness of our partners. I know many of these donors personally.
In these difficult economic times it is amazing that so many are willing to help. Another amazing thing is that we seem to get just enough to cover the needs in time to meet the pressing needs. We have a full-time staff of 80--there are about 8,000 who come to our clinic and hospital asking for help annually--50 children in our care--leper rehabilitation--HIV/AIDS treatment--mobile clinics--medical staff training--facilities development--starting a school--and much, much more!!!The needs are growing and relentless. It can seem overwhelming at times.
It is an honor to have our friends and partners who stand with us. I do believe we are making a difference in a remote corner of this world. The real heroes are the hard working and faithful team in Indonesia. I feel like we all are holding up their arms as they serve the broken, sick and injured.