Peter Scarborough is the Field Director in charge of almost everything but especially development and staff at the base in Kusuri. He and his wife Esther are the real heroes in the successes of the medical base. It is their vision and hard work that shaped and made possible the work. They are respected and loved by so many including all of us here in the states who know them. They are friends and partners in this effort.
Peter wrote to me about the failing health of his father over the last months. He was concerned and wanted to be near his family if his father got worse. Peter and Esther were in Australia for medical check-ups and personal leave time. Peter saw his family and it wasn't long before he knew his father was slipping physically. His Dad died on April 20 with his family near. Peter wrote he got to be there to comfort and to say the final words that have eternal meaning from the lips of a son. He told his father that he was loved and thanks for being a great father. These words are what every father desires to here from his children.
Peter is a man of character and integrity--it was modeled in the life of his father. The Scarborough family is thankful for the support and prayers for them these last months. The one comfort in these days is the assurance this father is in eternity with his God. He was a man who lived his faith and raised his family to love God. In the truest sense he was ready and has just gone home.