The sign said--Butler population 200. It was raining and it didn't take long to get a glimpse of what turned out to be Butler. There was a Post Office on the main road and a couple closed down shops. I am sure the vast majority of you have never been to Butler, Illinois. My friend, David Hunter, recommended we stop there after a recent speaking engagement in Central Illinois. We were looking for "Love Packages". There were no signs with arrows--we just began to drive around town and we found it in a short time. That is one of the blessings of a small town--no maps needed. There were two large warehouses and a couple cars parked at an open door.
We looked around for a few minutes and then stepped inside and gave a yell. That was when we met Steven Schmidt working in the warehouse. Steven told us how he started this work by looking at a small stack of Bibles in his home. He thought he should send them somewhere because he didn't need all those Bibles. That was the seed that began a massive distribution work. This is a small town where a mighty work is being done. I was impressed at the humble and determined efforts of this place. They shipped 828 tons of literature to all parts of the world last year.
I guess big things can come in small packages. It is just another reminder that small can be mighty. The determination and loving effort of this team has made a huge impact around the world. Now you know Butler, Illinois is on the map thanks to "Love Packages".