Indra the child who had the hole in his heart is now in Jakarta. He was scheduled for surgery but his condition was classified as unstable. He has some swelling in his lungs. His surgery has been set for two weeks from now. This will be a major surgery to fix the hole in his heart. Thanks to the generosity of some amazing people he is able to get this surgery to change his life. He is only four years old and has a lot in his future.
Kate and Kori made it to Indonesia. They are visiting friends in Java. They had a long flight and train rides but they are doing well and excited to finally be in Indonesia. Tomorrow they should be flying to Manado and then off to our base in Halmahera. They will be immersed in the daily routines on the base. These young woman are very capable and will show good progress in the language. The language skills of our Indonesian staff will also improve due to the efforts of Kori and Kate.