I just got home form a number of days on the road. I met with a dear friend and his wife. They are great supporters of our efforts. IFC has some great supporters and friends. This is what makes this work so amazing--we have partners who lovingly give and stand with us. We have some who have stood with us from the very beginning.
I am writing today to ask for your prayers for the wife of Pastor Barry. I was scheduled to spend an afternoon with him. I got a call from him where he reported his wife had initially been diagnosed with cancer. We set our meeting for some other time. I told him we will pray for his wife as they move forward with the treatment and more testing. We are praying for a good outcome and lots of years ahead for her.
We work with people in Indonesia who come in with medical crisis issues. I was just reminded of the impact of our own medical reports. Barry and his wife are good people and we will stand with them--as they support us we now consider it an honor to support them. If you give compassion you will receive compassion.