Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I would confidently say that minus 50 or 60 degrees Fahrenheit is extreme cold. How about over 300 inches of snow accumulation and the winter isn’t even close to being finished? That is an extreme amount of snow. Alaska is beautiful by any measure and it is a place of many extremes. It gets dangerous to drive in these extremes. There are plenty of documentaries and reality shows about life in the Great North Land. The crab fisherman, gold miners and State Troopers show the rest of the world just how extreme this place is. If you are still not convinced, just take a walk near a salmon spawning stream when the brown bears are filling up before they hibernate. I guarantee you will feel very small and vulnerable.

I guess it might take some extreme adventurers to volunteer to go to the medical base in remote Indonesia. It might take people who see extremes almost every day to board a series of flights and fly 35-40 hours to serve the needs of the poorest-of-the-poor. I look forward to serving with six volunteers from Alaska. We will join together and put our energies into making a difference in the lives of the poor. I have a core belief—it doesn’t take much to make a difference. There will be two things for sure—there will be no piles of snow or minus temperatures on the islands of Indonesia.