After over 20 hours in flight--I caught my first view of the mountains of Alaska. The beaches of the remote islands of Indonesia have a wonder and beauty--there is a stunning, jaw dropping awe to the peaks of these snow cover mountains. I was viewing them from the comfortable seat of a jetliner. Regardless of whether you are looking up to the massive rock towering over you or looking down from the heavens--they are just amazing.
The warm weather is replaced by the cool reunion I had stepping as I stepped off the airplane. I have only memories that warmth as I think of the staff the heroes who work everyday to serve the poor. I saw their tears when two very ill patients died. They just came in way too late to be helped. One old woman, who had advanced breast cancer, was brought to the hospital by a local doctor who said--she will die soon but I wanted her to be here where she will be loved and shown dignity in the last days of her life. I also witnessed the joy on the face of a leper who loved playing the card game UNO. He got a lot of pleasure in giving his visitors a draw four card. He was a good sport even when he lost. The second Children's home is moving along and will be ready for occupancy soon.
I have got to get some sleep--my body time is somewhere over the Pacific Ocean. It is good to be home.