Friday, December 12, 2008

More Lepers

It was raining hard and then the skies cleared so I walked to the leper treatment center. I wanted to see Hendrik who was the first leper in our care. He was sitting in front of his unit. I called out his name and heard his call back to me. He inspired the building of these units to help other lepers. He was rejected by his village and lived like a dog for 15 years. He is now happy and loved by everyone.

Hendrik was not alone at the Tamariska (dwelling place of kings). The two buildings have four units each and they are completely full. I saw a young man sitting outside his unit and went over and shook his hand. He would not look up at me--it appeared he carried some shame about his condition. I was told he had a form of skin leprosy. It is highly transferable but also treatable. If he stays on his medication and builds up his health he can full recover.

The third building will be started in 2009. This will give us four more units and the ability to care for more lepers and T.B. victims.