Sunday, January 27, 2008

It is the People

It is more like a bee hive--full of activity. People are going everywhere--some are cleaning--some are working with animals--some are helping the sick--some are building new buildings--some are security guard--some are loving and caring for children in the Children's Home--some are mechanics repairing our ailing vehicles--some are gardeners--some are translators--some are cooks--some are students learning--some are accountants--the vast majority are Indonesian. The staff at our medical base in Indonesia is a selection of the best young people in the region. There are 82 full-time staff at this time. They do all the jobs listed above and more. The work is growing and all the growing pains are easily seen--buildings being built, roads going in and more activity.

There are about 30 full-time medical workers (doctors, nurses and support staff). In addition the interns number about 12 and they are currently in a one-year basic medicines course. The clinic is open to the public on Tuesday and Thursday. We also do mobile clinics on a regular basis. In a month some 900 patients are seen. The new Hospital will allow more in-patient cases.

In 2007, there were 18 short term teams that came to help. These teams range in size from 4-20. They are always a blessing and are very important to our future. We have had medical, dental, fire-safety, water sanitation, leadership, well drilling, child care, engineering, construction, physical therapy, mechanics, gardening, animal care, youth workers, and more. They all come to be a blessing. they add even more activity to the base. You never know if you will be speaking Indonesian, Australian (version of English), English (original English) or American (version of English) or an Australian or American trying to speak Indonesian.

The point is--it is about the people. The dedicated staff and wonderful visitors are all a vital part of our efforts.
The photo is some of our staff doing a leadership exercise about the importance of working together.