Thursday, October 13, 2011


I have traveled all over the world to build partnerships for the work in Indonesia. I am away from home a good part of the year traveling in the U.S. and other points on the planet. I am so fortunate to have amazing friends all over this globe.

The one thing that I notice about being back home is how many people I know or am acquainted. I was a baseball and football coach here when my son was growing up and later into his High School years. I have had the joy of performing the wedding for many couples and shared the loss of others when their loved one's pass. My wife and I have roots here in the great white north.

It is the friendships based on longevity that keep us anchored. A trip to the local market can take an hour or more--depending on who you meet there. You can read the local paper and not know only who the articles are written about but also the author of the article. The mayor is known by his first name and you know where to find him on any Sunday morning.

We have beautiful summers and harsh winters here in the arctic. I think many here would say that it is the people they know who answer the question--why do you live here.