I seemed like I just finished an around the world non-stop flight. I actually left the island of Halmahera in remote Indonesia on Monday. I have been traveling ever since--either in transit or on the flights. It is good to be home.
The purpose of the trip was to take Tison home to his family. He was unsure of himself and how he would react once he got to Indonesia. He got off the last flight and saw his father waiting for him. He just hugged his father--I had tears in my eyes. There is nothing like a child and his parents. Tison was crying and had his arms around his father. It just reminded me that as much as he was a part of our lives--he had his own family.
Now he is in his village getting acquainted with his family and tasting the food he grew up eating. The best news for him was that since he left he has twin brothers born.