It was a normal year in many way--365 days--12 months. It began with the same hopes and dreams as most other years. It was also entered into with wide-eyed anticipation. 2010 is the 10 years anniversary of IFC and landmark for our supporters and staff.
IFC began in 2000 with a short sited plan of simply helping refugees in a crisis time in their lives. We did not know how long we would be involved in aid work. Now 10 years later we are not only involved--we are committed for the foreseeable future.
This year was a year of development with the construction of a single staff living quarters, a second Children's Home, a third (four apartments) unit in the Leper Rehabilitation Center, an Eye and Dental Clinic and temporary HIV housing unit. These facilities will all serve the poor and provide services to those who are in challenging or hopeless situations ion their lives. The amazing leadership of Peter and Esther Scarborough and their staff are the reason we have seen these advances. There has been a lot of prayer involved in the process.
There are also many people who believe in what IFC is about. This year is a tribute to everyone who has given funds, prayed, went on a team or donated in-kind gifts. More than 10,000 people came to our clinic and hospital asking for help this year--no one was turned away. If we could help them we did everything in our power to serve them.
Yes--this was a great year. How can you go wrong serving the orphaned and the helpless. It is an honor to be a part of their lives and a part of the answer to their prayers for help.