Today was a big step for Tison. He had his fourth surgery. It was possibly the most important surgery for him. The surgeon worked on the ear that has been closed since the burn accident. His right ear was closed and we did not know if the inside of the ear was burned or untouched by the burn. It was a relief to hear that the ear canal was open. We are so happy to know his hearing was not affected and his ear can be made to look normal.
Tison had a heavy scar on his chest that is very uncomfortable for him--he wanted it fixed. Now it has a new skin graft over the scar. It is step by step. He is in the hospital tonight and will begin the healing process.
He was really anticipating this surgery because the surgeon was going to address the injuries that are the most uncomfortable for him. He was in the best spirits at 6:45 a.m. when he arrived fro the pre-op. He was up in his room at the hospital tonight watching movies. This was a great day.