Monday, February 15, 2010

He Left for Home

He came as a translator and to help Tison adjust to his new home in Alaska. Hendra was here for over two months. He is an amazing young man with a hunger to learn and a gift of serving. He did everything he was asked and did it with a humble gentleness. His study of the English language started when a young American came to Indonesia and taught an introductory English class. Hendra had a passion to learn and pursued his degree in English. He did not know he would some day come to the U.S. as an interpreter.

Hendra left on Friday for Jakarta. He had lots of experiences here in the cold north. He had never been colder than 75 F. while growing up in Indonesia and he experienced minus 40 F. while he was here. He got to see several moose and hundreds of caribou. He loved the frozen waterfalls near Valdez and could believe people in this bitter cold would be in bathing suits at a popular hot springs. He taught a class on Indonesian to several of us. He is a very gifted teacher--we were challenging students.

He has left for home--we will really miss him. I think he really found a home here. He has a five year U.S. multiple entry visa. I hope he will come again--we need a good Indonesian language teacher up here.