Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Safe Lamp

In many remote regions of the world the poor use kerosene lamps to light their homes at night. A common simple wick in a can of fuel is used in millions of homes. It is very dangerous because it can easily spill and start a fire or in the process of filling the lamp it can explode. It is a serious hazard and we have seen numerous injuries due to kerosene lamp accidents. There is always a lot of pain and suffering with each burn.

IFC has arranged for two burn patients to come to the U.S. for care and a third child, Tison, is in process--all of them were injured because of the accidental mishandling of kerosene. It is a challenge because we have limited medical ability at our base to help them. We cannot do skin grafting or prosthesis. We can clean their wounds and do some therapy.

Recently, our staff heard of research on a "safe lamp" being used in Sri Lanka. I contacted the foundation and found a very helpful and awesome team working on this project. Dr. Wijaya Godakumbura worked 17 years to develop a safe kerosene lamp. I admire his work and tenacity. His hard work will prevent horrible burn injuries and even save lives. I contacted Dr. Godakunbura about the availability of purchasing or making the lamps in Indonesia. The process is in place to partner with them to bring these safe lamps to Indonesia.

I want to recommend that you take a look at their web-site and vote for them as a worthy project in "The World Challenge-09" contest conducted by the BBC, Newsweek, and Shell.

Please Log on to one of the following:

1. http://www.safebottlelamp.org and click ‘Breaking news’ on home page

2. http://www.theworldchallenge.co.uk/2009-finalists-project10.php and click Vote now’

3. http://www.theworldchallenge.co.uk and click Vote now’