Peter Scarborough, IFC Field Director recently wrote, "We are looking forward to the patient ward (hospital) being finished in just over 2 months from now. We are also looking forward to the day when the ambulance arrives.
We squeezed three guys onto the floor in the back of the car - would you believe that they were found in this state (broken bones, head injuries, and bleeding) by the road! We had another two inside the clinic being treated so had to move these guys along to the hospital (in Tobelo) which is still 45 minutes away - I am not convinced that they will all make it alive. People just passed them and did nothing, our car was on the way back from Pediwang and our driver stopped to pick them up. The kids were in the car - little Theresa (age three) came running in saying "Celaka" Celaka" (which means "accident" "accident", and saying "Takut" (Scared). We are seeing more and more accident cases like this. None of these three had a helmet on, they were all on one motor bike."
The doors to our clinic never close to emergencies. We are the first and sometimes the only medical help many people have. It looks like we are at least two months from completing the small hospital that will be adjacent to our clinic. We will also have an ambulance to assist in emergencies.
I did not post the photo of these three men in the back of our car because it was just too shocking. We pray all these men were able to survive this bad accident that Peter reported.