In Indonesia you do not just go to the "emergency room" for treatment. You must have the money in advance for the treatment. It makes it very hard for the poor to get medical help. The IFC Clinic offers free care for the poor. This is a way for the poor to get examined and then treated for their injuries or sickness.
If the patient needs surgery we try to help with that if we have the funds. We have provided many surgeries from broken bones to tumor removal. We usually take them to a hospital in Manado which provides good care. We have staff that help these patients with transportation, housing, getting into the hospital and after surgery care.
Patients have told us over and over that they know they are cared for at the clinic. That means a lot because we want them to get the best care possible.
I saw it again last month when a Muslim man came to the clinic following what was suspected as a stroke. He was in one of the rooms and was joined by his family. He told us he wanted to stay because he knew the staff really cared for him. He was at a difficult time and gave us the greatest compliment.