Friday, November 23, 2012
Update on Tison
He has grown a lot and each time I see him I notice he is becoming a young man. He was so excited to get his gifts and card. He was also excited to show me that he could read and write. While he was in the U.S. he went to school where he was making progress but was challenged by learning phonics. He was actually really gifted with numbers but reading was his biggest struggle. He had such a big smile as he read to me from a book he selected from the library. It was an honor to see the evidence of his hard work.
Tison is also a thoughtful boy and usually has a friend. He is not one who has a lot of friends around him--he likes to have one good friend at a time. His new best friend was Jek. Jek is the opposite of Tison. He is tall, thin and quiet. The one thing I could see they had in common was they were both kind to each other--there was not a mean bone in either one of them. It was so good to see that he had grown and that he was excited about learning. He is well on his way to becoming a good person. Tison is the only member of the Green Bay Packers fan club. That is loyalty.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
More Than 30 Visits
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Real Friends
How do you know you have a real friend--they are with you in the worst of times. There is a steadfastness and commitment in the relationship. They always believe the best about you and always seek the best as friends. These real friends do not let obstacles stay in the way of the friendship. I so enjoy the time I spend with them. I have these real friends in the U.S., Indonesia and Australia.
I feel extremely blessed--I have several of what I would call real friends. I have an amazing wife and a band of people who believe in me. I am a rich man--not in my wealth but in my friends.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Another Team
I am organizing a large team to go to Indonesia on a short-term trip. This is an awesome team, and I am excited to have them share their skills and giftings with the staff and those we serve. This team is just packed with talented members. We have team members who will train the staff on how to build a website, English as a second language, early childhood development, micro-enterprise, medical skills, and counseling deep trauma. The chance to serve our amazing Indonesian staff by sharing, training, and upgrading skills is so important.
All of our team members apply for a social visa. This visa allows our team members to work with our staff and to travel to our clinic and children’s home. The process to be awarded a social visa takes a number of letters to be included in the application. We apply and just wait to see if the individual is awarded the visa. You cannot get into Indonesia without a valid visa. We always do everything with respect and cooperation with all the requirements expected of our teams. We are guests in the amazing country of Indonesia, and we love coming to serve our friends.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
It took us over a year to raise the funds to purchase this truck. It took only a moment to be involved in this wreck and it will take a bit of work to get it back on the road. The best part of this is the driver was uninjured. We are very thankful of his protection.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
We have a passion to serve the poorest-of-the-poor in the remote island of Halmahera. The challenges are always before us--funding--medical resources--training of staff--organizing the construction of facilities. I strongly believe the real heroes in our work are the staff members led by Peter and Esther Scarborough who serve every day. They serve without seeking praise and give unselfishly day after day. They face the challenges directly and keep serving the sick and injured.
The region is now facing an HIV/AIDS crisis. Our staff are treating those who come to us with the breakdown of their immune system--wondering why they are so weak. Every story is so sad and yet we are there to give them comfort and respect. It is a privilege to put our arms around them and to offer them compassion. When I look at the faces of those who come asking our staff to help them I remember the early days.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Dishes and Modems

If you think it is frustrating waiting for your slow computer to boot up, then try being in the middle of the jungle attempting to find a satellite somewhere low in the eastern sky. That was the dilemma Peter Scarborough and I were facing. We were trying to upgrade the internet connection in order to get the internet speed increased to a level where we could show detailed images of patients to doctors anywhere in the world via the internet. It would greatly increase our ability to help patients with the advice of specialists.
We were advised to purchase new equipment and then to connect to a satellite on the “C” band. Sounds simple enough for a couple “tech-challenged” but willing characters. The new dish and modem arrived in good shape. It did take time to get it assembled and set on a stable base—this is not a small dish. Peter and I adjusted the dish and used the basic alignment tools we had and finally connected with a satellite. We were excited and amazed at ourselves—we did it. The next day we realized we were aligned with the wrong satellite, so we were back to where we started. It took a few hours, and several trees were cut until we finally locked into the correct satellite. We were reluctant to celebrate too soon but were pretty sure we had found the right one this time. Now the next challenge was apparently the modem we had did not have the right settings. So we were now at a standstill—it honestly made us wonder if it was going to happen. It did have some humorous moments—what else could we do other than laugh.
The provider recommended we purchase a new modem for the new satellite dish and come to Australia to retrieve it. We were in the jungle of northeast Indonesia, and the part we needed was in Australia. It was a costly and hard decision, but I went to Australia to get the new modem. That might sound like an expensive way to get this modem, but if we were to have it shipped to Indonesia, it could have been months and had a good possibility of getting caught in customs. The flight was easier and assured us of getting the equipment we needed. We did not have anyone else who could pick it up, and I also had some business I did at that time in Australia. Finally, I returned two weeks later with the new modem. It was installed, and we were now using the new system. We were all excited and proud of our perseverance. We now had the connection and were testing its speed and capabilities. The next day I noticed a red light on the modem. It was now off, and we worked for a couple hours trying to find the problem. We had the connection for only 24 hours, and we were now offline. After two more days of frustration, we realized the new modem must have failed. It was run thru a check, and it was not working. How could we get this operating? We had to take the new modem back to the provider in Australia for testing and repair. We knew of someone who was going to Australia in the next weeks and asked them to take it back for us. The tests proved the unit had failed, and it was not our fault—it was a problem in the unit. It had to be rebuilt and then brought back to Indonesia. It was about three weeks ago that it was hand carried back to the base and installed. The connection was made with the satellite, and the system was back online. We have been testing it for the speed needed to show the live video of patients. We have found that it is too slow, and the speeds that we need (and were promised) just cannot be reached. It is hard enough to get technical equipment to work when you have all the support in the same city, but we are in a very remote area and can get equipment and help from faraway places. We either need a miracle that will give us the speed we require or an open door for a new system or provider who can help us—such is life at the end of the earth.Friday, June 29, 2012
Remembering Those In Need
They come asking for help. They are poor and in crisis. Their needs range from illness to injuries. The one common thing about all of those who come is they all believe our medical staff can help them. Recently a little girl was brought to the clinic for examination. She had a growth on the right side of her head, including her right ear and it wrapped around to cover her right eye. The concern is that she was allowed to get to this condition. She should have been brought in months or even years earlier. Her growth is in an advanced condition. She is in need of treatment we cannot provide at our clinic. We are looking for an open door for her to get the care she needs.
It is an honor to help those who find themselves in need medically. It is why we are working in the remote islands of Indonesia. The entire staff is committed to giving the best care with compassion to those who ask for help. Those on the staff are just amazing people—they do give their all to serve the least and lowest.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
This is not an everyday or every week occurrence but it is a reminder of the awesome power that is not very far away. The base is just far enough away and yet close enough to feel the energy it can produce in its eruptions.
This region is also very fertile due to the rich ash that has fallen over the island in millenniums in the past. There is a positive outcome to the violent eruptions.