Tison (pronounced Tee-sone) is seven years old and is so full of life and is always smiling. He runs and plays with his friends. He is a kid who will grab your heart very fast. He is normal in every way except is he badly burned over a big part of his body. He was standing a few feet away from his father who was holding a container of kerosene when it exploded in flames. His life changed in a moment. This little boy who has the beautiful smile was now fighting for his life. He has an unstoppable spirit and I know it was that tenacity that kept him fighting for his life.
About four months ago his father brought Tison to our medical base and has not been back. I know he felt like he could not do anything for him. He is from an island around 200 miles away and it was not an easy trip.
Tison is now well adjusted to life on our base. He could be found just about anywhere. He is surrounded by his buddies (I call them the "Three Amigos") and they are always doing something fun and exciting. They could be playing soccer or just playing hide-and-seek. He is always where the excitement is or maybe where he is there is excitement.
He was called the "Monkey Boy" by the villagers because the burn on his legs have limited how far the skin on his legs would stretch. He does look like a monkey when he runs. He does not let that stop him in the least.
He would see me walking down one of the paths on our base and yell in his strong voice--Hello Carl. Then he would grab hold of my hand and we would walk together until he found something better to do. He would see me sitting and then climb up on my lap. I think he knew he would get a hug and maybe a small candy. He was very busy but he was never mean or malicious.
I do not know what will happen to Tison. He needs some help with his burn wounds. He is badly burned on his right arm, right hand, legs, chest, face and ears. I feel Tison is tough enough to handle several surgeries if he could get help. He is also remarkably realistic and mature as he considers his condition. This seven year old boy prayed this prayer, “Lord, I want to be normal like the other children but if it is Your will for me to be like this I will accept it”. Someday he might he like the other children--by God's grace.